Landing on the moon - by Sai

In my old, "worn-out" Bible, I got a bookmark on which it is written
"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
J.F. Kennedy made a speech on Space Race in his Presidency and expressed his ambition on the nation's leading role in space project. They aimed high in technology, even though landing on the moon was like a fairy tale and their skills were far behind the Soviet Union.
Tonight I found this on wikipedia.."On July 20, 1969, almost six years after JFK's death, Project Apollo's goal was finally realized when men landed on the Moon".
In reminiscence of my campus life I always found things difficult and did not believe I could make it. Reading this small piece of story somehow sometimes was an inspiration to me. I was not that kind of ambitious, determined and achievement-based person. I was always being challenged with my sins and weaknesses like laziness and lack of ambition, though at that time I didnt realize those sins were so devastating as I could still manage my life well. But I am much grateful now that I did make decision from time to time and could taste how God shone His glory on campus. I always remember the most rewarding time in my campus life was to do something out of myself. To be desperate, to be determined, to have a spirit of "make things happen". That's totally not me.
Such spirit fades away as time passes by. Limitations always come my way. Yet J.F. Kennedy's statement is kind of wake-up call to my spirit. He couldnt witness astronauts landing on the moon but he did call his people higher.
I am reading Moses' life in these days. I always ponder what drove him to endure hardship in the wilderness for 40 years without complaints and grumbling against God. Merely faith? What is it about? Similarly he couldnt witness the successful inheritance of promised land but he did call his people higher. Both Kennedy's speech and Moses' life are an enlightenment to my daily prayer - that our campus can also see and experience a glorious picture of God because our mission is hard.


^_^ I'm so inspired by your post...thank you for sharing your convictions with us...Let us reach the moon together la hahaha :P
I'm also inspired by your bookmark! So everytime, when i'm facing difficulties, i remember those are for me to overcome and be brave!
Thanks for your heartfelt sharing. Yeah, mission is difficult. Sometimes I doubt if I have faith enough for many things and there are so much limitations on the way. To live a dedicated life to stay in the mission field is a kind of "landing on the moon" mission.
You are so brave!!
