今日我終於發現唔係好多人知道我失業中, 所以宜家正式同大家宣佈一下啦~我相信大家一定會好想支持下我, 咁我就開心見誠請大家為我祈禱啦!
1. marketing position or something that i'm passionate in (wine/ art)
2. use my strengths and provide opportunities for growth (even with challenging environment)
3. 5 day work
4. within wanchai, central and western district (optional)
5. ~ 10k salary
好多謝你, 有好消息一定好快同你地分享ka...
1. marketing position or something that i'm passionate in (wine/ art)
2. use my strengths and provide opportunities for growth (even with challenging environment)
3. 5 day work
4. within wanchai, central and western district (optional)
5. ~ 10k salary
好多謝你, 有好消息一定好快同你地分享ka...