Dream II~We've Only Just Begun
是日感恩節, 亦是我校一年一度的畢業典禮.
對全校上下的每個單位, 今天都是行軍打仗的日子. 全體全天候進入緊急戒備狀態.
作為應屆畢業生的我, 不再要如常的擔擔抬抬, 跑樓梯, 隨行嘉賓影相, 安排人錄影...
我只需在台上走一轉, 然後安坐在台下, 等待節目完結, 就可以功成身退.
雖然, 我對這所我就讀了13年的學校未必有太大的好感. 但對於這個地方, 我還是有些感情的.
曾經, 這裡給我一個家, 一個夢想, 還有可以一起成就夢想的dream team.
那時候的我相信只要跟她們一起, we can make anything possible.
最後一次以學生身份回到這個地方. 真的是最後一次了.
主禮嘉賓某孫高官說了一句話: '' To me, and my wife, and to your parents, your school, and the society, you are only seen as young, talented people with infinitely many possibilities along the path you choose...''
We've Only Just Begun
Artist: Carpenters Written by: Paul Williams and Roger Nichols
We've only just begun to live,
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way.
And yes, We've just begun.
Before the rising sun we fly,
So many roads to choose
We start our walking and learn to run.
And yes, We've just begun.
Sharing horizons that are new to us,
Watching the signs along the way,
Talking it over just the two of us,
Working together day to day
And when the evening comes we smile,
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow,
And yes, We've just begun.
*p.s Carpenters is one of my favourite artists. Karen had a really unique voice. If you like this song, hear Joanna Wang's (王若琳)version too:p
對全校上下的每個單位, 今天都是行軍打仗的日子. 全體全天候進入緊急戒備狀態.
作為應屆畢業生的我, 不再要如常的擔擔抬抬, 跑樓梯, 隨行嘉賓影相, 安排人錄影...
我只需在台上走一轉, 然後安坐在台下, 等待節目完結, 就可以功成身退.
雖然, 我對這所我就讀了13年的學校未必有太大的好感. 但對於這個地方, 我還是有些感情的.
曾經, 這裡給我一個家, 一個夢想, 還有可以一起成就夢想的dream team.
那時候的我相信只要跟她們一起, we can make anything possible.
最後一次以學生身份回到這個地方. 真的是最後一次了.
主禮嘉賓某孫高官說了一句話: '' To me, and my wife, and to your parents, your school, and the society, you are only seen as young, talented people with infinitely many possibilities along the path you choose...''
We've Only Just Begun
Artist: Carpenters Written by: Paul Williams and Roger Nichols
We've only just begun to live,
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way.
And yes, We've just begun.
Before the rising sun we fly,
So many roads to choose
We start our walking and learn to run.
And yes, We've just begun.
Sharing horizons that are new to us,
Watching the signs along the way,
Talking it over just the two of us,
Working together day to day
And when the evening comes we smile,
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow,
And yes, We've just begun.
*p.s Carpenters is one of my favourite artists. Karen had a really unique voice. If you like this song, hear Joanna Wang's (王若琳)version too:p