發up 風 by sonia

hi everyone~ long time no write blog lor :p
近排同ah sai ge dp time and today's class 其實內容好多都好似但又reinforce 自己好多
i'm weak in organize...dont really know how to make the stuff short to tell u guys lor... but 我知我真係有好多weakness and 好多好多o野要去面對
still kinda all at sea with how the things work out
but im really thankful to have sai (v. importantly quoted) and other sisters, they give me alot of support and inspiration

其實好無聊, 我都唔係話要explain d 乜, 只不過我要做d o野去take action, 咁就寫下個blog je~如果你地唔知我up 乜, that's fine ga, 我just 係寫下ga ja~ hahaha! :p


thanks for sharing sonia! we'll be walking with you always la!! =)
Sonia: sharing is always important for our spiritual family!^^
