Thoughts in Meditation by Kenneth
Tonite we've got a meditation time during our BTLM (Bible talk leaders' meeting). We have it "individually" together in victoria park and by meditating a scripture, we try to think and listen what God's trying to tell us.
I have chosen this scripture for my meditation, which you may be familiar with: ACTS 1:8, this is another famous scripture, not only because of the evangelism mission it is mentioning, but also the rare occassion where Father, Son and Holy Spirit presense:
He told them, "You don't get to know the time. Timing is the Father's business. What you'll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world."
What do you think "be my witness" means? Today, during my meditation, I have some pictures in my mind. Instead of thinking about the gospel in our life, our life changing stories...bla bla bla. I am thinking about our witness can include how we observe the world God created. By telling the observation we got, we can be the witness to the world about our faith towards God. Here are the pictures in my mind:
When we observe the world, we may find trace of GodWIND TURBINE & NATURAL POWER細心觀察這個世界,我們會找到神的足跡當我們被科技帶來的力量所驚訝當我們為風車利用自然之力製造能量而驚嘆太陽、浪濤、星辰引力、一束禾桿早已在為我們供應巨大、穩定而持久的能量這能量的運作,比風車中的渦輪更複雜和精確連風車也需要精密的設計製造、這世界不用嗎?VIRTUAL NETWORK & INTIMATE COMMUNICATION細心觀察這個世界,我們會找到神的足跡當我們被新的溝通模式所驚訝當我們為網絡和程式帶來的便利和關係而驚嘆耳細聽、眼細看、以手感覺、一個擁抱早已在為我們彼此間帶來最好的語言這語言的運作,比網絡中的通訊更富關係、直接和溫暖連程式也需要精密的編寫設計、這世界不用嗎?CLOCK & TIME細心觀察這個世界,我們會找到神的足跡當我們被時鐘的精確所驚訝當我們為曆法和人類對宇宙節奏的細緻觀察而驚嘆試看華夏千年、數世代變遷、童年往昔...時間早已在我們中運行萬年這時間的運作,帶來規律、動力和世代新生不息連時鐘也需要細微精緻的部件、這世界不用嗎?COMPUTER & HUMAN SPIRIT當我們被科技的智慧所驚訝當我們為電腦所帶來的記憶、速度和運算而驚嘆閉上眼,靜觀心,彈指之間,思索、情感、回憶、想像、剎那湧現我們腦子的運作,複雜、巧妙,讓我們找到自己連電腦也需要精密的設置、這世界不用嗎?