最近在心裡浮起的幾段話 Kenneth
1. Matthew's Effect 馬太效應
In sociology, "Matthew effect" was a term coined by Robert K. Merton 1968 to describe how, among other things, eminent scientists will often get more credit than a comparatively unknown researcher, even if their work is similar; it also means that credit will usually be given to researchers who are already famous: for example, a prize will almost always be awarded to the most senior researcher involved in a project, even if all the work was done by a graduate student.
"For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath."
2. Our Sorrow God 傷心的神
申31:21 "我未領他們到我所起誓應許之地以先,他們所懷的意念我都知道了。"
3. Pat's Conviction 阿Pat的信念
有沒有看UNIT? 她Share了她的祈禱信念,真的很inspiring,在Leader's Meeting中問她時,她也去share在公司中甚至會躲進Toilet中祈禱,一天三次去祈禱自己在temptation中更倚靠神。最近在和朋友study時不順境,也有時會變了倚靠自己,她的信念很挑戰我的心。
Pat: "耶穌面對試探也祈禱三次,試問罪人的我,又怎能不依靠祈禱呢?"
4. YS's Memory YS的回憶
他做到了,這句話我也聽過。今天聽講道時,聽CP去說他的事,十分感動,想起了他教Singing Group飲紅酒的片段,第一次飲紅酒食Cheese,被他去招待的片段記憶猶新,他改變、堅持和投入的故事不絕於耳,人真的可以活得很不同。在唱歌時,和身旁的Andrew都一起戴起了厚厚的隱形眼鏡......
In sociology, "Matthew effect" was a term coined by Robert K. Merton 1968 to describe how, among other things, eminent scientists will often get more credit than a comparatively unknown researcher, even if their work is similar; it also means that credit will usually be given to researchers who are already famous: for example, a prize will almost always be awarded to the most senior researcher involved in a project, even if all the work was done by a graduate student.
"For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath."
2. Our Sorrow God 傷心的神
申31:21 "我未領他們到我所起誓應許之地以先,他們所懷的意念我都知道了。"
3. Pat's Conviction 阿Pat的信念
有沒有看UNIT? 她Share了她的祈禱信念,真的很inspiring,在Leader's Meeting中問她時,她也去share在公司中甚至會躲進Toilet中祈禱,一天三次去祈禱自己在temptation中更倚靠神。最近在和朋友study時不順境,也有時會變了倚靠自己,她的信念很挑戰我的心。
Pat: "耶穌面對試探也祈禱三次,試問罪人的我,又怎能不依靠祈禱呢?"
4. YS's Memory YS的回憶
他做到了,這句話我也聽過。今天聽講道時,聽CP去說他的事,十分感動,想起了他教Singing Group飲紅酒的片段,第一次飲紅酒食Cheese,被他去招待的片段記憶猶新,他改變、堅持和投入的故事不絕於耳,人真的可以活得很不同。在唱歌時,和身旁的Andrew都一起戴起了厚厚的隱形眼鏡......